The United States Minority Contractors Association (USMCA) has launched a new Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (“STEM”) Educational Foundation curriculum for under-represented minority students currently attending Chicagoland schools. The STEM program will inspire students to ask questions, identify challenges, probe new techniques and create solutions in these disciplines. Access to Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics education by these students is sorely needed throughout the United States. The USMCA STEM program will help advance access by students in targeted communities to courses by utilizing professionals within the USMCA to offer educational and training opportunities that will guide local youths towards pursuing advanced degrees and careers in Science, Technology, and Engineering, and Mathematics fields.

Board of Directors:
Rev. Larry S. Bullock, MPA, MDiv., Chairman
Dr. Brenda Dillard, President
Steve McChesney, Vice President

Board Members:
Ramesh Basa
Atty. Rob Block
Dr. Gale Frazier 
Bernie Held 
Teresa H. Jackson 
Chetan Kale, P.E. 
Vivian McGrew  
Brent Mounts
Dr. Johnny Mullins 
Dr. Catherine O'Connor 
Chris Onwuzurike 
Ryan Poettker 
Regina Rahman 
Elmer Rhodes 
Armen Parker
Kenneth M. Webb
Interested in joining the STEM Educational Foundation Advisory Board?

Please contact us at 847-352-5010 or

Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics Education Foundation Advisory Board (STEM AB) Advances the U.S. Minority Contractors Association (USMCA) Mission and Value Propositions

To advance USMCA’s mission and value propositions, the Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics Education Foundation Advisory Board (STEM AB)  will enhance our three core areas of focus: mentorship, internship, and scholarship. Strategic focus on three areas will allow us to “connect the dots” for STEM-related projects in targeted communities; build awareness, enthusiasm, and mindset around STEM; and work towards a goal that each chapter will provide a STEM AB Member.

Our Mission
The purpose of USMCA is to provide unique professional, educational, technical and consultative services to both the membership and the community at large. We endeavor to provide the best consultative services possible in the construction, environmental, building maintenance, architectural - engineering design, hospitality training and general service industries. We serve as the premier advocacy and assistance agency in the nation for minority contractors, subcontractors, general contractors and professional service firms in the broader build community nationwide. Our strategic partners are some of the largest firms in America as non-minority firms in Construction, Architecture, Technology and Financial services who are committed to the advancement of  diversity, equity and inclusion.

USMCA is an advocacy organization that brings business opportunities to its members, by enhancing the global position of its members through information technology, accessing capital, and marketing each member’s niche expertise. The STEM Education Foundation (SEF), a 501(c)3 organization,  provides mentorship, internship, and scholarship opportunities for targeted education organizations. The STEM AB advises the SEF on potential educational partners and STEM projects that USMCA may partner with.

The SEF has three pillars of service: Mentorship, Internship, and Scholarship. We currently successfully provide scholarships, and seek to expand the mentorship and internship roles. The SEF has started its work in the Chicago area.

The STEM AB is making connections between built environment projects in various neighborhoods with local education institutions to increase awareness of the role of STEM and the opportunities that STEM brings to communities. Currently in the Chicago area, STEM-related projects include the 75th Street Corridor Improvement Project, Community Research on Climate and Urban Science (CROCUS), I-290/ Blue Line Coalition, Damen Silos redevelopment, Port of Chicago Calumet River Dock, USACE Confined Disposal Facility, and production of aggregates for construction.

Each of the three pillars: mentorship, internship, and scholarship in the SEF,  could advance that function in partnership with selected educational institutions. The STEM AB executives should work to investigate the STEM facets of projects by assigning AB members to drill down and identify program components as well as create a  list of potential contacts. AB executives should continue identifying educational institutions that are eager to participate, and listen to the needs of each individual institution.

Finally, the STEM AB will seek to fan enthusiasm for STEM in the USMCA. We will develop lesson plans for challenging and enjoyable fund-raising activities such as protecting eggs from breaking when dropped, flying paper airplanes for the greatest distance, and creating stomp rockets. Points will be awarded for design, thus bringing Art, (the A in STEAM)  into STEM. As we go forward, each USMCA chapter will be asked to assign a member to the STEM AB in order to expand the geographical range of the SEF.

Please click on the link below to download the Scholarship Application.

Once completed, please send to
The Presidential Volunteer Service Award (PVSA) is a prestigious honor bestowed upon individuals who have demonstrated outstanding volunteer service and civic participation. 

Established by the President's Council on Service and Civic Participation, the PVSA recognizes volunteers of all ages who have contributed significant time and effort to their communities and the nation. 

This award celebrates the power of volunteerism and encourages Americans to make a positive impact through service activities. Recipients of the PVSA receive a personalized certificate, an official pin, and a congratulatory letter from the President of the United States, recognizing their dedication and commitment to serving others. 

Donate to the USMCA STEM Foundation